How to Start A Blog as a Project in 2025 Free (Make Money Online)

Updated: December 19, 2024

By: Marcos Isaias

A blog is a form of a website that provides information and insight on a particular topic or concept. It mainly focuses on written content, known as blog posts. Bloggers are often involved with different projects based on a personal viewpoint. Their statements and pictures are a way of building a connection with the readers. In the next couple of minutes my intention is to show you how to start a blog

Blogs provide multiple environments to add value, both to the readers and bloggers.

It also allows you to have a voice, influence, and to highlight presence on social media platforms. 

However, if you are intending to make at least a side income with your blog you must start a blog as a project, not a hobby. If you are looking into blogging as a life-changing opportunity, you need to work on it with strategy.

If you are willing to start a blog as a project, it can definitely get you to monetize it faster. it does not matter if you are a beginner or an amateur blogger

In order to help you out with what your structure, here are 6 easy steps to start your blog today.

Step 1: Plan your blog 

People think that you need to be a professional writer to be a blogger or that you need special courses.

Might work for some, but the rest of us, since we are not professional, need a Plan or guide.

People go through blog sites to have a personal perspective on different aspects of life. Therefore, most bloggers have an informal tone and a conversational style. To make things easier for you here are the simple steps I used to start to blog as a project:

a. Choose a Niche

Blogging is about sharing your knowledge with people worldwide and helping others. Disclaimer, if you don’t want to help people with this genuinely; maybe this is not your business.

Choosing a domain that you are passionate about is bound to make the writing process feasible but this is not as necessary as people think. 

I have found by trial and error that you can’t choose your niche only on passion, and here is an example! I love music, and I’m learning how to play guitar. I’m passionate about it!

However, if I tried to run a music or guitar blog, I would not have any leverage or upper hand when creating content. I have no knowledge about guitar or music in general.

It is acceptable if you want to write about more than one topic. But, having genuine and informed thoughts about a particular niche will be optimum. 

This way, people will take an interest and come back for positive discussions and grow togheter. 

When choosing a niche, ask yourself these questions.

  • What I have experience on?
  • Where can I add value to this potential market?
  • What is the potential audience I can reach (Buyer Persona)?

For example, I’m a Certified Project Manager and currently studying to become an Scrum Master and that is the approach where I can add value.

I Have experience on Project Management and I can use my knowledge to serve you guys with this approach.

To learn how to start a blog is important to learn to choose the right niche

b. Choose A Goal

When you start a blog as a project to make money online, choosing a goal is essential. You have to sit down and estimate some of the objectives you will most likely achieve initially. Initially, you should focus on getting a particular number of readers on the blog posts. For instance, getting 1000 readers for the first month can be feasible goal or 250 email addresses for the newsletter dispersal. 

For example you could choose miletones like

  1. 3 to 5 blogs post of around 1,500 – 3,500 words before starting
  2. I would like 1000 readers to visit my blog in the first month

This Kind of Goal will help you maintain consistency and measure progress. You can’t grow what you can’t measure,

The very first thing you need to ask yourself is: why am I creating this blog? What do I hope to achieve with it? 

Once you have determined the answer to these questions, you can set a constructive goal and move ahead to work on their fulfillment.


c. Choose A Blog Name

The essential step in finding the right blog name is to go with the selected niche. 

Once you have confirmed a niche, you can start choosing your blog/domain name.

 A good blog name is:

  1. Descriptive and short, so future readers can instantly remember it after months if necessary. 
  2. Broad, chose a niche but keep the name broad, it will help if you have to change topics later on.
  3. When choosing an extension .com is preferred; however .org, .net are good choices if .com is not available or to expensive. 

Do not use any punctuation other than dashes in the domain name.

If the blog name you want to select is already taken, you can try a different domain extension or add small words to the title, such as ‘a’ ‘my’ or ‘the’.

You can also consider adding dashes between words. I will save this as a last resort. After you have your name you will need to get a Hosting more on that later

d. Don’t over plan (Start your blog)

I encourage you to have a plan, as a project manager I see a lot of value on it on a day to day basis, but it does not have to be super detailed or does not need to become on an excuse to not start.

If you want to be successful in initiating your blog, do not overthink or over-analyze. It is important to keep in mind that there is no intrinsic value in planning excessively or outlining every step. You just have to blog in a S.M.A.R.T. way.

Step 2. Analyze and create your Blog Strategy 

Setting up goals and objectives for the blog and writing content is the beginning.

In order to get a maximum amount of readers for the blog project, you will need to think about a blog strategy.

Chose your blog main Keywords (at least 3 for Pillar blogs, for example for this one is How to start a blog)

Keyword Research

Researching keywords is the first and the most significant component of your blog SEO strategy after your niche. 

Before you you start your blog and begin writing content for your website, you will have to identify suitable high volume search terms. Keywords are important phrases or simple words that are used to find information when researching. 

You need to find keywords that suit your niche, which will further determine the direction of the information you will be writing. Researching keywords will ensure that you produce blog posts with relevant and searchable phrases on Google. 

Before you make your site live I will recommend:

  • Chose at least 3 High volume search low competition keywords for your Niche.
  • Write at leas three 1.500 to 3,500 words blog focusing into 1 of the relevant search keywords each. (For example, Home made Bakery recipes, Work at home jobs, etc…)
  • Optimize, but not to much the blog post.

The Tools I recommend for Keyword research are

  • SpyFu
  • Ahref
  • Google Keyword Search (free)

Determine how will you make money before you start your blog 

After you have choosen your main topic and keywords start writting you main articles start thinking on the long run strategy. How do you plan to make an income?

Once the blog kicks off, and have a fair amount of readers who stop by regularly to read new content how are you going to convert that value you add into potential income.

Because you are trying to add value out there, the question is how to start generating income from this traffic.

Do not overwhelm your traffic with many transactions or inconveniences just for the sake of the money, that is not how it works. Choose 1 or 2 ways of making money and do not implement the all at the same time. Some of the main ways of converting traffic are:

  Selling a service

This is one of the most common money-making aspects of blogging. Initially, you will have to determine which services to sell. Many bloggers sell consultations or tutoring sessions. For example, if you have a travel blog, you may offer one-on-one help for planning out a vacation. I have done some assessing on project management as per request for example. 

 Selling a course

Once you have your blog up and running, you can find appropriate courses that are complementary to your niche and sell them online. Your readers are going through your content to find better ways to improvise, excel, or to find inspiration.

You can take advantage of that and provide them with personalized attention with course either made by you or from others you have found value on. Here is a list of the platforms where you can find or make great courses

  Selling a product

Selling a product using blogging is probably one of the best way to make money. Although it is easier said than done, you can figure out the basics and figure out the merchandise you have to sell with guidance and research. The products should be linked with your niche and stand out as compared to others. 

The product you are trying to sell should be equally unique, have high-quality assurance, and reliable outcomes. The consumers will rely on your experience and testimonial. Therefore, it is important to provide information on valid merchandise.

For example, If you’re considering creating your own physical products, consider investing in a Cricut Maker and a printer best compatible with the Cricut

You can print and cut designs, logos, digital business cards and more and put them on 300+ materials, including shirts, hats, mugs and pretty much anything you can imagine.

  Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a marketing agreement by which an online retailer pays an external website for sales generation or traffic from its referrals.

You can determine different websites or blogs where you can connect your content, products, and services.  

Choose the right tools before you start a blog

Blogging is not possible without using the right tools and techniques. These elements can help you develop better blog posts to make money online, boost your traffic, and enhance your Google ranking. Following are some of the tools which may be beneficial and that I personally use on my day to day basis:

  Tool 1: Word Press

WordPress is one of the best and most proficient software that is available for blogging in the market. WordPress has also become content management software by choice for several writers and researchers. You can manage your website, produce content and graphics, extend the functionality with plug-ins, and ultimately generate traffic substantially. 

WordPress is designed to be competent enough for SEO. Once you download this software, your website becomes captivating and interesting to search engines. WordPress platform is written using simple compliance and standardized, clean codes. You do not have to worry about the security or management of your content with this option. 

 Tool 2: Hosting 

If you have determined the content and information for the blog, you can consider some exclusive and specialized blog hosting solutions. 

I personally use site ground is one of the best blog hosting platforms, which is compatible with all essential blog tools.

I have tested several and Site Ground might not be the most popular nor cheaper out there but sometimes cheaper Host will harm your web page speed hense will harm your traffic. It is a safer and faster option you will find besides several others such as Tumblr, Ghost, Medium, and WordPress. 

SiteGround review

siteground has active community support. You can find answers to your questions on the form that employees and supporters moderate. If your solutions cannot be found in the system, you can create your inquiries.

 However, there are many others like BlueHost, you can choose any, but be sure your site will run fast if not it will be hard to get to the first page of google search.

If you intend to make money with your blogs, avoid free web hosting services. You should have a land that you can control and own everything to do what you want. To achieve this, you need to have real web hosting.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Go to and choose WordPress Hosting

  • Choose the Start Up plan
  • Enter your new domain name.
  • Create your account.

 Tool 3: Blog Templates 

To make your blog look appealing and beautiful, you can select some neatly designed and carefully developed free blog templates online.

Generate Press will provide the best theme for your blogging project. The application is builder friendly and comprises layout control for endless design options. I chose personally Generate Press because is a light weight (speed) and super customizable template. However, there are many others that could do the trick, If you have any questions let me know in the comments or shoot me an email.

Step 3: Design your Blog

As a beginner, it is interesting to think that you can make your blog posts just about good content, and the readers will ultimately increase. It is not always true. As a matter of fact, your blog’s design, feel, and overall appearance play an integral role. However by design I don only talk about Look and feel but the structure

Design your content, start writing or hiring. Get the right resources, softwares and affilliate programs to get a clean and attractive website.

a. Install a CMS

You will have to install your CMS (content management system). Choosing WordPress will be the ideal option for you because of its scalability and professional capacity of working with low and medium traffic websites and how well it integrates with Site Ground or most hosting providers out there. With the help of a few clicks, you can install WordPress in Siteground with the initial configurations. 

If you arlready have a blog that needs better performance you will be able to migrate for free, Siteground is one of the only host with free migration.

b. Install your blog template

There are thousands of theme options available on WordPress (both paid and free). 

However, as a beginner, you may want to try out some other options to install your blog templates from. 

GeneratePress provides the best options free and premium. Simply go to the built-in theme search functionality to get the best options that go with your niche. Generate Press has helped me speed up my web site because of the light weight.

Template, Pinterest, W3Layouts are a few other websites where you can download your required templates from.  

Dont waste to much time on the design as you can improve it later on.

c. Install your Widgets/Plugins to control better your content

In the world of blogging, widgets are content blocks that you can add to your blog websites’ sidebars, headers, footers, and other areas. 

When readers visit your blog, they will see these options arranged on the main pages. Every widget can provide a feature or function to your website, without having to program or code. 

Monster Metrics

WP Rocket


d. Create your first content to start your blog

Creating content is essential aspect of your blogging experience. Before you write, you should perform some target market research to increase the readability of the information. Creating exceptional content will be an immense investment of your time, which will pay off in increased traffic and profitability through products. 

It can be challenging to compete with other content providers, as the internet is full of bloggers and writers. Do not get discouraged because you may be able to provide a distinctive nature of the information to the readers. The type of content that will be most viewed will depend on the audience you are targeting and the connection you can buils.

Initially, you should plan three to five blog posts to launch the concept. You should include one pillar post of more than 3000 words to introduce what the blog is about, what your inspiration is, and what do you plan to accomplish with the idea. 

Depending on the time and interest build-up, you can post a few blogs post weekly. Some useful tips to improve your blog’s design

  • Your blog should not be cluttered or swamped with graphics and content. Increasing white space to decrease the number of elements you are using according to the theme can be useful. 

  • Your email subscription offers and promotional information should be more professional. You are asking readers to provide their personal information, which requires a lot of trust and support. The opt-in form should look unique and sophisticated.

  • When you are working on your blog as a project to make money online, do not get crappy photographs and images. You should keep in mind that stock photos are convenient and conventional but hey are only going to destroy your reputation. 

  • The social media icons on your blog posts should look legit and authentic. Not many people are interested in these but, they can be essential to increase the search engine rankings. You should design these constituents in a sequential and proficient manner with the help of templates

  • If you have already decided on a theme, work on building a font structure that works with the niche. Readers are not interested in blog posts that have tiny fonts with strange space lines. 

  • The title of your blog posts should be larger and elegantly places so that it gains the attention of the reader right away. The body should have subheadings, suitable text, links, etc. You want to work with the fonts that link with your website logo and vibe.

  • Take inspiration from several online sites and publishers that have been in the field for long. Go through their content and see what they are doing right and what you can follow, with your characteristics and capabilities. 

Step 4: Test your blog and concept

Once you have posted content on your blog online and the readers are viewing it, you can check if your blog posts are getting attention and ranking for the right keywords.

Most of the bloggers check their rankings manually for their blog posts by typing keywords in Google.

However, this does not provide a clear picture of where your blog stands in terms of the readers and search engine optimization.

In this section, you will get to know how to test your blog and if your blog posts are ranking high for the right keywords

a.Test you are SEO friendly before you start a blog

In order to test your blog, you need to ensure that it is search engine friendly. It should have all the necessary elements and high-quality content so the readers can find it online instantly. 

But what are some of the points you should consider and pay attention to? Here is a list of things you should involve in the blog posts, so they become SEO friendly and help your rankings. 

Test your links on the post

According to Google, you should keep the number of links on a page lower than 100. The links should be decreased not for search purposes, but for user experiences and design purposes. 

If you decide to put more than 100 links on a single page of your blog post, Google might tag you as a spammer.

Moreover, there is no room present for graphics and visual interpretations, which are captivating and interesting for the visitors.

Restricting ad space

When you are designing your blog to be SEO friendly, you have to reduce the number of ads you are using.

If you do not restrict ad space, you will slow down the loading time for the blog posts, which will drive the traffic away from your website. 

According to the readers’ viewpoint, people do not like ads and dislike websites that have too many of them.

If using ads is your priority, then you should use business analytics to determine the top two or three highest-performing ads, and cut down the remaining. 

Test the speed of your site

in order to start a blog efficiently you should evaluate your website speed.

People are looking for answers faster, and if your blog takes longer to download, the number of searchers will decrease significantly. 

Keeping images small 

Images and graphics are considered essential to the blog posts and overall content of your website. In order to draw in the readers, your blog needs to be catchy and attractive. 

However, if you add an image of a bigger size, it can slow down the page download speed, decreasing the overall website speed. You should save images as .jpg, and headers/texts as .gif. 

Test if your site is Mobile-friendly 

In the modern world, having a mobile-friendly blog is one of the most profitable things you can do. Smartphones are everywhere!

If you understand the basic requirements and techniques, you can gain and maintain as much traffic as you can on your blog posts

According to market research, the use of mobile internet has increased as compared to desktop computers since 2014.

The data also presents that the users are spending more time on their smartphones, sharing all sorts of information as opposed to other objects such as personal computers or laptops. 

Having a major proportion of individuals on smartphones, you have to ensure that your blog is mobile-friendly. It is not even an option anymore; it’s a necessity if you want to generate profits in the long run. 

Here are a few tips on making your blog posts mobile-friendly:

  • Chose a template that is Mobile optimized for easier transition
  • The interface should be optimum enough for the touch control
  • Look at the font from a mobile phone, you might need to do extra configurations for this
  • If you really want to do things in a different manner for both the desktop version of your blog and the smartphone version, you can think about having two unique appearances. You will not have to make any major changes. Keeping everything the same, including the content, you can separate the graphics and navigations settings for optimal results

Test your Linking and keywords 

Finally, you can test your blog by checking if you have provided the right links and keywords in the content.

If you are using your blog posts to share information regarding a product or service, you will need to connect your blog with the actual space where the merchandise is available. 

In this competitive world, quality content provides a differentiating element.

If you add random links to your blog posts with no purpose or meaning, readers will most likely see it as spam or a waste of their time. With your blog, you should focus on including three to five inbound and outbound links per 1000 words. 

To keep things concise and clear, and moving in a specific direction, include links that support the core idea or concept or add to its validity and credibility. Do not use a single blog post to have all the attention. Your content is not a marketing campaign; use it wisely. 

Keyword research is significant for search engine optimization, as discussed in the next section. However, including them in the content beforehand will be quite useful. Once you have selected your niche and prepared your blog posts, you need to make sure that relevant keywords are included. 

It is essential to place the keywords where they will have a considerable impact on humans and search engines, such as title, headings and subheadings, introduction, and conclusion. Keep the keywords balanced according to the content because too many phrases and words can result in the stuffing. Yoast is a website that provides solutions regarding your keyword problems. 

When you are mentioning another blog or product in your content, use a link to the information you are quoting. This is basically important to get links back for quality assurance and public promotions. 

  1. Use social media 

With the invention of smartphones, social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have been quite popular. Whether you are using blog posts to increase the number of viewers or to sell a particular product or service, social media will extend the boundaries for success. 

You can simply share the links of your blog posts to these platforms to create connections with present and future consumers. For an increased website exposure, you can make an account on each of these websites separately from your blog name. 

If you want to publish the content on these social media platforms regularly, that is great! But bloggers these days are hiring social media managers to promote their websites, links, and blog posts as well.

These professionals make sure that your posts are scheduled ahead of time, and people view it every time they log in on their devices. 

  1. Check the ranking of your blog posts

Most beginners simply carry out a Google search to see if their blog posts and articles are appearing for the keywords that the readers are typing. As stated earlier, this is one of the simplest forms of the process. Even in this case, they usually manage to check only the first page or the second one at maximum. 

Checking the ranking of blog posts is essential because it provides an idea of success or failure for your efforts. 

While checking Google and additional search engines may be useful, there are multiple issues involved with it. Sometimes, your blog post might be ranking way low after the first two pages or even worse. You have to think about how you can improve. 

If you check out the ranking manually, then you are missing out on the useful information that you can implement to enhance your SEO rankings and eventually increasing traffic.

For better results, you can use website review tools to find new keywords, track rankings, and local positions. You can also analyze which keywords need improvement and the density in which you should be adding them to the content. With the help of ranking tools, you can also learn what your readers and visitors are doing online!

Step 5: Implement your Blog (Official Launch)

Launch Your blog post if you want to enter the blogosphere like a king and give your blog an outstanding launch, make sure it is valuable to your targeted audience. 

Know if your blog can provide something to the readers that thousands of other blogs cannot.

Let’s take a look at some of the drastic measures that you can take to make the attention-grabbing launch you wish for!

Content Preparation In Advance

The only guaranteed way to launch your blog as a project with a bang is to prepare amazing content beforehand. 

Take some time out of your routine to make the most amazing post you will ever come across.

Opt in for some early feedback on initial articles and if you get a positive reply, know that your content has the wow factor you need.

Social Media Campaigns

Running social media campaigns is a smart decision. It is extremely effective and easy to imply. Just make sure that the giveaway you are offering is exciting enough for people to circulate your work.

Incentives For Subscribers

This strategy works very well. Many bloggers usually giveaway incentives to their users who subscribe to their blog. 

Doing so will only give your visitors the push that they need to hit the subscribe button.

Use Other Blogs For Guest Posts

Not every blogger can afford giveaways or expensive advertising strategies. An effective alternative to get major exposure is to spend some time and generate excellent content for other high-end blogs and get paid in return.

Set Up Your Social Accounts

It might not seem as important as anything else, but it is still a very good idea to keep your brand name on social media before launching. Use different social media accounts to set up groups and pages for your business. If your domain name is already present on social media, you can still keep yours different by using modern strategies.

Set Up Your First Advertisement

For a brand new blog that nobody knows about, building traffic from scratch using nothing but the content is very difficult. Due to this, it is better to use paid advertising to get your content noticed by the targeted audience.

It will speed up the process of your lead magnet and help you point people towards a blog without letting them scatter towards your competition.

Set up your first paid advertisement and make your readers go right to the page and read the content. 

In many markets, Google advertisements work very efficiently. 

People go to Google and type anything they are looking for. This targeting method works even better than Facebook advertisements, so it is better to know your situation and then act accordingly.

Growing your It is a process that will not happen overnight but it does not have to take years, but with an objective in mind, you can knock out the steps quickly and get more traffic.

Congratulate Yourself

Once you are done launching your blog, it is time to appreciate yourself in your efforts because many people do not make it to this stage.

Congratulate yourself on your success because you deserve it. Think about how you have worked for long hours and made major sacrifices to be where you are. You did not quit even after seeing your other companions quitting only after a few days of tough work.

Know that your journey was never easy; the work was very hard, and the effort was significant. 

The temptation to quit blogging must be never-ending, but you have now crossed the finish line. It is time for you to take all the appreciation because you made it to the end. It might not be fair for others, but the truth is that you have earned your spot to be in the limelight and your virtues to the rewards. Things might look easy once the hard work is done. But, only you know the real experience, so it’s time for you to celebrate your success.

Step 6: Maintain and Evolve

Update your Blog Posts

Keep Updating Or Posting Every Week Based On A Long Term Strategy One of the key factors that determine your blog’s search engine optimization ranking is its relevance.

This factor is usually determined by the post’s last published date, its content, and whether or not you have updated it.

So if you have an older post that you think performs well, be sure to update it on a regular basis, so the traffic to your blog remains high.

Any updated post already successful on your blog tends to rank higher in search bars as compared to your new posts.

Opt For Backlinks

Starting and updating your blog posts will make them relevant for your audience once again. If you are the first one among your competitors to regularly update a post, it automatically brings you in a prime position to mash the existing backlinks.

Since no external website wishes to link their blog with outdated content, you can see the sites linking to your competitor’s content. From there, you can reach out to the blogs and offer your newly updated posts as a substitute.

Many website owners are delighted if someone does all the hard work for them and are always willing to link their content to your blog posts.

Generate Reader Loyalty

Potential customers and readers might not land to your outdated content.

By keeping your blog up to date, you can gain your readers’ trust and loyalty and show that you are not creating content only for the sake of money.

Update Pages With High-Quality Links

If you have to choose the content to update, find the blogs on your site that have some solid and high-quality links from other terminals but did not rank well.

These posts have lots of authority and a high ranking potential that is worth its material. 

All you have to do is to give that post refresh and see a sudden rise in the traffic.

Focus On Blogs With Keyword Impression And Low Ranking

When choosing the content for updating, be smart about the blogs you choose to give a makeover.

You can do this by filtering your URLs and then looking for content with keyword impressions that are among the remarkable distance of high ranking. 

See which blog is showing up, as this is the content you probably want to update first.

Keep adding images, infographics, and videos

Your blogs are all about attraction. You can interpret it in a variety of ways because eye-catching visuals tend to captivate the readers. Images and videos give people a better understanding of your content anchor message behind the content. Regularly adding visuals to your content will help you explain your blog faster, 

easier, and clearer than the words. 

Know-How People Read Your Blog

You can be the best blogger globally, but people will still not read your content if it’s all words and nothing else. Frequently readers scan every post they go through while looking for the information they want. This means it’s time for you to get rid of lengthy paragraphs and add visuals to break up the content. 

People scanning through your blog posts tend to stop at videos or images, which means you have to be consistent while establishing a pattern with your visuals.

Add As Many Infographics As Possible

Graphs are undoubtedly the best way to emphasize a point in a blog post. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, they help verify the information you are trying to convey to the targeted audience. They also make your blog post seem authentic and legitimate.

With infographics, you can show your audience that you are not making up the facts and that you have done your homework and use information from reliable sources.

With graphs, people can retain information from your posts. 

Images and graphics make people retain about 65% of the information and remember better. I also recommend making or buying original infographics related to your content.

For this, you can use a free online resource to design your personal infographics.

Keep Adding Original Photos

Do you want your content and blog as a project to be as unique as possible? This objective is not entirely possible to achieve in today’s era. Chances are, another blogger has already written about a related subject.

But, if you want your posts to be creative, keep adding original pictures to your content. Doing so will help you keep your work separate from your competitors. 

You can pair your photography skills with your blogging platforms and help readers connect with your content.


You can also improve engagement on your blogs by showing people how to do stuff. Think about how your readers are searching for different topics on the internet. Include how-to guide and other headings of similar nature while including visual components to explain your point.

Add Videos

Pictures are not the only type of visuals that you can use in your content. You can add videos to your blog posts as well. Know your analytics and see how long your visitors are staying on your page before leaving. If you wish to improve this time, videos can be the ultimate solution to your problems.

The best thing about adding videos to a blog is that they are really easy to do, and you don’t have to create too much content for the readers.

Also, add captions to your videos to increase the views by 40%.

Perform Networking

Networking can be very challenging for bloggers as it requires energy, time, and extroversion to create the content. However, 

it is one of the essential steps to success. It can help build an audience and develop a companion group to help make decisions about the blog.

Luckily as a blogger, you are already in a position to get the best connection and grow your network by using your blog as a networking tool.

Let’s discuss some of the best strategies to employ and promote your blogging via networking.


You will come across networking that is more about taking instead of giving. If you want to have a lasting impression on other people, you have to be generous with them.

You can help your readers achieve their objectives, highlight some of their best work, encourage them to move ahead, and go out of your way to collaborate with them on their terms.

While you still need to have some limitations, we think that generosity is the best way to go into effective networking.

Guest Post Outreach

You may have heard that guest posting is one of the most effective ways to start a blog and reach out to more readers and a targeted audience. It helps build more traffic to the blog posts. However, while using this technique, there are some important things to consider before making a move.

Look for a blog in a similar niche. Many bloggers wish to submit their posts towards high traffic sites even though they are completely different from their topic. This is a big mistake that you must avoid at all costs. Even if you do manage to get traffic from it, people will have little interest in your content. 

It is useless to drive traffic to your blog if nobody wants to read it or opt for your newsletter.

ü Find ways to interact with people who comment on your guest posts. Never reply with a thank you; rather, ask them different questions and get them talking to you. 

This is how you can get them to come to your blog and become your regular reader.

Link Building

Link building is not easy, which is why a lot of people struggle to bring links to their website regardless of their advanced tactics.  

  • For effective results, you only need one main link building strategy, i.e., create link-worthy content. You may have heard this tip a million times, but its effectiveness remains the same. You don’t have to publish gigantic posts or add an interactive guide for others to believe in your work; make your product link-able in itself.
  • You can also opt for broken link building. First, you have to find a relevant broken link on a website, make something similar to that resource, and then ask people to link to your working resource.
  • You can also interview different influences and experts as your link building strategy. 

The benefit? They were linked to the interview, and if they are an expert, they must have a high-quality website. You don’t have to meet them; just schedule the interview and have a chat with them within an agreed time frame.

ü People with strong opinions tend to get a lot of links. However, if you dare to publish such content, make sure you have enough facts to support your argument. For effective link building, controversy is a good thing to use for engaging your audience.

Reevaluate Your Goals Every Month

You need to set goals if you want your blog as a project to be successful. 

The only difficulty rests in achieving those goals. When you start your blog for the first time, it might feel like you are running in every direction. No matter how hard you work, you may think you have achieved nothing throughout your journey. This is where setting your blogging goal and reevaluating them every month comes into the picture.

  • Reevaluating your measurable goals for your content helps it grow immensely. But how do you figure out the ways to reevaluate your desired objective?

  • While you are working toward your goals, track information to know if you are bringing results. Know if those extra 20 minutes a day on a social media account are bringing you more followers. Determine if your photos from this month are better than the ones you took previously.
  • Take some time out every month or two to analyze your data. Decide if your existing objective is waiting for you, and then make desired adjustments.  
  • If you are achieving your goals ahead of time, add some new ones to the list. If not, switch up the steps you are taking to reach your aims and then work them into your schedule.
  • Track and record the number of new subscribers every month to see if your hard work is paying off.


Metrics You Need To start Tracking your blog

While continuing your blogging efforts, keep track and record of these following metrics to stay focused on your goals.

Backlinks And Keywords

To keep your content unique for the readers, keep adding relevant and related keywords in your previously published blogs. Use backlinks a to inform search engines that your blogs are valuable for the readers. The more backlinks you get in a month, the more potential you have to boost your search engine rank.

Shares On Different Social Media Platforms

Social media shares are an effective way to start a blog and keep your blogs posts available on the internet. When your readers share your content, they are actually helping you

Keep track of social interaction for your blogs and use them as a guide to identify article that your audience likes. Do not forget to optimize your content on social media platforms to attract new people.

Your Subscribers

Your biggest fans are your subscribers. They should your blog so much that they trust you with their contact details to stay updated on your content.  

Count your blog subscribers every month as a validation that your blogs are worthy and performing great. 

Alternatively, establish a subscriber newsletter to keep your fans in the loop and know what’s happening on your website.

Alright! If you reached down here first of all thank you for your time. Feel free to reach out if there is anything you would like to ask or clarify! See you next time.


Marcos Isaias

PMP Certified professional Digital Business cards enthusiast and AI software review expert. I'm here to help you work on your blog and empower your digital presence.
