You’ve likely used NFC technology when tapping to pay. But did you know those same little wireless tags can do so much more? Even though studies show that more people feel secure using NFC for payments every year, these tags have far more potential in various applications, including the use of NFC chips for contactless payment systems, home automation, and chore tracking.
Inside each tiny sticker lies the power to simplify and automate daily life when linked with our gadgets. Tap to open your front door. Start the laundry. Launch your exercise playlist. The possibilities are huge and growing.
This article explains the basics of how NFC technology works plus 17 clever ways people are using tags already at home, work, travel, and beyond.
Let’s get into it.
The Tags I used to experiment are from Tap Tag because they have FREE Shipping in the US.
The ones I use and recommend
Best ALL purpose programmable NFC Tags
out of 5
What are NFC tags?
Before we learn to use NFC intelligently, we should know the basics of this technology. Therefore, it is essential to understand how it works.
Here is a delightful YouTube explanation by Gary at Gary Explains. If you are into technology and the latest gadgets for cell phones and in general, he is your guy!
Credit to : Automated Tech
As Gary Said. Near-field communication permits two devices to communicate with each other wirelessly. It does it with the power of an NFC chip.
It is a convenient technology embedded in small tags for smooth communication. With this technology, you can control surrounding digital gadgets, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other devices.
NFC Tags Uses at Home
Interested in Playing arounf with some of the best and cheapests tags of the market? Here are the ones I use
Using NFC technology while traveling
Scandinavian Airlines introduced a pilot program called "smart pass."
This program authorizes frequent flyers to stick to the back of the phone by giving them personalized tags of NFC Cards.
The tag allowed them to access priority security checks and entry to the VIP-style lounge and replaced boarding passes. NFC infrastructure can be applied to many places, such as event centers, stadiums, theatres, etc.
Just think about it. All the access and control you can get with a simple digital business card.
1. Using NFC Tags for Smart-Home
NFC tags are not only limited to contactless mobile payment, but appliances too.
For example, you could use an NFC tag to control lighting and appliances, unlock doors, or enable security systems. You could also use tags to program routines that trigger multiple actions with one tap. That's what I do.
I have one tag on my fridge that opens a shared grocery list web page for my partner and me.
Out of milk? I can simply tap the tag and write "milk" on the list. This instantly updates the list seen by everyone in the house, streamlining communication.
Using NFC tags to Access wi-fi
Sharing your Wi-Fi password with guests and colleagues can feel like an invasion of privacy.
For this reason, using an NFC tag to share your internet connection without compromising the password is a way of taking advantage of this technology.
With apps like InstaWifi, you can program an NFC tag to grant instant, tap-to-connect access to your Wi-Fi network when needed. Simply tap the tag with an NFC-enabled device, and it will automatically connect without ever revealing your private password.
3. Sleep mode automation with NFC
Many people who prioritize healthy sleep turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other wireless connections on their devices at night. The radio frequency signals can interfere with falling asleep and staying asleep. However, diving into settings every night to toggle these off can be a real hassle.
Luckily, NFC tags provide an easy solution. By programming a bedside NFC tag to automatically disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, auto-syncing, and wireless connections on your phone and smart home devices, you can prepare your whole connected environment for sleep with just a tap. Simply place the preset "sleep mode" NFC tag on your nightstand to instantly switch off potential signals that could disrupt your sleep.
You can further program the NFC tag to enable sleep-friendly settings like activating alarms, disabling sound systems, and decreasing device brightness. Tap again in the morning and everything returns to normal daytime mode.
You can even use an NFC tag to politely alert others that you are taking a nap or going to bed early. Program it to send a "do not disturb" notification to housemates so they refrain from making noise or interrupting your rest.
With NFC tags by your bedside, healthy sleep habits take just a simple tap. The tags effortlessly minimize disruptions overnight and in napping situations.
4. Laundry
We’ve all had those moments when we walk away from a task and completely forget about it. Laundry is a prime example. You toss the clothes in the washer, get caught up with something else, and before you know it the cycle has finished long ago.
NFC chips can be used to remind users about chores and efficiently manage household tasks.
This doesn’t have to be an issue any longer! Placing an NFC tag near the dryer or washing machine allows you to activate the timer with a simple tap and can even initiate a cycle automatically.
So, even if you forget about the Laundry, the timer has your back.
NFC tag in Kitchen
I am using NFC tags in the Kitchen, which may sound peculiar. But hear me out (read me out?), when it comes to cooking, precise timing is crucial. Normally, I’d rely on Siri or another phone assistant to set timers for me.
However, recently, I’ve placed tags above the stove, each preset with specific timers that launch on any device with just a quick tap. Currently, I have tags set for 5, 15, 30, and 45 minutes, but I’m considering adding more in the future.
Additionally, consider placing an NFC tag on the fridge door for quick access to grocery lists or recipes. Trust me, doing this will give you so much peace of mind and was honestly a game changer for me!
Using NFC to run Siri shortcuts with iPhone.
NFC-enabled smartphones can automatically execute shortcuts when triggered by NFC tags.
The NFC technology allows shortcuts and commands to run effectively without any human interaction.
For example, you can program an NFC tag so that tapping it with your NFC-enabled smartphone will automatically launch your favorite show, movie, or game app. Additionally, users can link their Apple Music playlists to NFC tags for easy access to personalized music experiences. This provides a convenient shortcut to quickly access preferred content with just a tap of your phone.
Bedside table
You can attach tags near the bedside table or bed and program them to enable alarms, disable sound systems, decrease brightness, and more.
You can use an NFC tag to alert others on their devices that you are off to a nap so they do not disturb you.
NFC for safety and emergency communication
If you are fostering an independent adult or have children who can't read or write yet, NFC tags can be helpful.
You can place an NFC tag in a reachable place and program a mail/message to you or somebody in your family in case of an emergency.
You could even use several tags on a wall for several purposes, such as:
Calling the Police
Calling 911
Calling you
Send a TXT Message
NFC Tags for Convenience and Accessibility
NFC tags can be a game-changer when it comes to enhancing convenience and accessibility in our daily lives. Imagine having house guests over and instead of fumbling around for the Wi-Fi password, they simply tap their phone on an NFC tag to automatically connect to your network. No more awkwardly reading out long strings of characters or worrying about security breaches.
But the magic of NFC tags doesn’t stop there. Picture this: you walk into a room and with a single tap on an NFC tag, your smart light bulbs illuminate the space just the way you like it. Whether it’s a cozy dim light for movie night or bright lights for reading, NFC tags can make controlling your lighting effortless.
And speaking of movie nights, how about a smart TV remote control that starts your favorite shows or movies with just a tap? No more hunting for the remote or navigating through endless menus. Just tap and enjoy.
For those with mobility impairments, NFC tags can significantly improve accessibility. A smart home system powered by NFC tags allows users to control various devices with a single tap, making it easier to navigate their homes. Imagine opening and closing your garage door with a simple tap on an NFC tag. It’s not just convenient; it’s empowering.
NFC tags are not just about making life easier; they’re about making it more accessible for everyone.
Unlocking your front door
Unlocking your door without keys, just by tapping your phone's NFC tag - sounds futuristic, but this technology already exists.
A company named Lockitron has developed a system that allows you to open your door without keys. Instead, you simply scan your NFC-enabled smartphone.
For $295, you can unlock your door with just a scan of your phone, no keys required!
NFC Tags Uses Outdoors
NFC tags In a Car
You can use car tags to control most car systems such as radio, lights, etc.
NFC facilitates wireless communication between two electronic devices in close proximity, such as mobile payments and car systems.
For example, if your phone is connected to a car stereo, then tags can trigger apps such as Spotify or Google Maps with just a tap. You can also track the movement of your vehicle, with which you can calculate your mileage and budget and send all that to a database.
All this by simply attaching NFC tags to the dashboard of your car.
At work
You can personalize and automate your work environment using NFC tags. Simply program NFC tags to disable sounds, enable Wi-Fi, auto-sync, and much more at work. Just have an NFC tag close to your monitor or cabinet.
When you get to work, just tap your NFC-enabled phone or another NFC device with a tag to automatically adjust settings and launch apps according to your personalized preferences.
For example, set up a tag to cue up your favorite playlist to listen to while working, prompt display of your to-do list or latest emails, or open the programs you utilize most frequently - all with a single tap.
You can customize multiple NFC tags to conform your workspace setup to match your habits and streamline your workflow.
At Gym
Attach NFC tags to your workout gear or gym bag to instantly start your workout routine or play your favorite playlist on your music device, helping you get into the zone faster and save time.
NFC Keychain
Stick NFC tag stickers to keychains and use NFC to handle regular tasks for you on the go. It can be anything: a to-do list, a music app, a reminder—anything your heart desires (not literally).
Keep in mind, that sticking NFC tags might ruin your keychains. No need to worry; you can purchase customized keychains online with integrated NFC tags and use them seamlessly.
Pranking friends
Pranking your friends and family once in a while can be fun.
You can now use NFC tags to do it. Try placing an NFC tag on the fridge door to play surprising sounds or videos when someone opens it.
Find the target’s most peculiar spot, hide NFC tags there, and program them to play fun music and videos or open any app without permission when they tap. Sit back and enjoy their reactions!
Bluetooth pairing
Many home gadgets already use Bluetooth: speakers, TV remotes, and keyboards. Soon more devices will also incorporate NFC tags.
Many companies are planning to incorporate NFC tags as well.
Google's Nexus Q music streamer actually includes built-in NFC. My guess is you'll be able to tap your phone to it and start playing songs right away- the purpose of it has not, yet, been disclosed.
I expect we'll see NFC pop up in all kinds of gadgets going forward. Being able to sync your phone with a quick tap could become normal across consumer electronics and appliances.
Secure online shopping
You can use NFC tags to complete online shopping transactions securely. Customers can use an NFC tag to identify a device and securely confirm their identity to make payments or access their account data.
Contactless payment systems have revolutionized transactions through NFC technology, emphasizing convenience and security.
NFC tags can also be used for two-factor authentication, allowing customers to quickly and easily verify their identity when making purchases or accessing account information.
Using NFC tags for secure online shopping provides customers with an extra layer of security, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access or transfer data.
Gaming and Entertainment with NFC Tags
NFC tags are also making waves in the world of gaming and entertainment, offering new ways to interact and engage. Imagine playing an interactive game where your progress is tracked through NFC technology, and rewards are unlocked with each tap. It adds a whole new layer of excitement and immersion to the gaming experience.
Museums and theme parks are also getting in on the action. NFC tags can be used to create interactive exhibits that respond to your presence, providing a more engaging and educational experience. Imagine walking through a museum and tapping your phone on an NFC tag to hear an audio guide or see a video about the exhibit in front of you.
Music lovers, rejoice! NFC tags can enhance your listening experience by creating smart playlists that start playing as soon as you enter a room or approach a specific location. Whether it’s your favorite workout playlist at the gym or a relaxing mix at home, NFC tags make it easy to set the perfect mood.
And for gamers, NFC technology can take your experience to the next level. Interactive game controllers that track your movements and provide feedback can make virtual reality games more immersive and realistic. Imagine a game where your physical movements are mirrored in the virtual world, creating a truly engaging experience.
NFC tags have the potential to revolutionize the way we experience gaming and entertainment, making them more interactive, immersive, and enjoyable. With their ability to seamlessly interact with devices, NFC tags are set to become an integral part of our entertainment landscape.
17. NFC For Next Level Networking
Generic paper business cards don't work anymore.
To showcase your talents and be memorable, customize an NFC card with metal finishes, unique engravings, cool cuts, or shapes. You can design a card that puts your stamp on your brand, sparking conversation and making lasting impressions.
Some of the best digital business cards powered by NFC technology allow for seamless networking and profile-sharing. With just a quick scan, you can pass along your name, contact info, social media profiles, portfolio work, and more, all through your NFC business card.
Wrapping up on NFC tags
Future possibilities of NFC-enabled devices
NFC isn't exactly mainstream technology yet.
Companies haven't jumped to integrate it into services or products, even though the tech itself isn't new. Building entire NFC payment systems is time and money-intensive - probably why only big players like Google and Apple have invested there so far.
Infrastructure like Google Pay and Apple Pay have invested in building NFC infrastructure. Instead, these systems authorize users to transact with NFC gadgets without business cards.
As of now, most NFC projects are in a niche stage, mainly because not enough people know about NFC-ready terminals. There also needs to be awareness surrounding NFC-enabled phones and tablets.
Emerging entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and students are bringing forward fantastic ideas to leverage NFC in solving day-to-day problems. Many of these ideas have transitioned from the prototype stage to actual products; just look at the list above!
I know NFC seems kinda obscure right now, but hear me out - this tech makes life way simpler! By scanning your mobile, you can track, pay, open an app, give Access, set the alarm, create shortcuts, and switch on lights; the list of ideas is never-ending.
And those are just the everyday uses we have now!
Engineers and creators are already dreaming up clever new NFC life hacks. It blows my mind what's possible by putting little chips on stuff to scan. Safe to say we've barely scratched the surface.